What’s in Your T-shirt Drawer?

My colleague Marlys Arnold, an exhibit marketing specialist (www. exhibitmarketerscafe .com), posted the headline of this article as a question on her Facebook page and it started quite an interesting discussion.

It turns out that the imprinted T-shirts that you keep and wear can tell a lot about your life, your interests and your priorities. Mine are mostly from charity events that I’ve participated in: MS 150, Breast Cancer Walk, Walk to Defeat ALS and Women’s Center Walk/Run to End Domestic Violence. I’ve also kept the T-shirt I made for my daughter Becky’s Bat Mitzvah (sentimental value), a T-shirt with a map of the London Underground that I purchased many years ago on a first visit to Europe, a Bryce Canyon T-shirt (one of the most beautiful and spiritual places I’ve ever visited) and a “Namaste” T-shirt from a yoga retreat, and that’s just to name a few.

My husband Bob has a Moab National Park T-Shirt the he got when he did a dirt bike trip with his buddies more than 15 years ago, my daughter Becky has a collection of Pearl Jam and Bruce Springsteen T-shirts. One of the women in my Mastermind group still has her T-shirt from the original Woodstock and another woman has a collection of running and hiking shirts from all over the United States. And my toddler grandson, Noah, is sporting a Ramones T-shirt (courtesy of his Rock Band following parents).

Imprinted T-shirts can be great conversation starters, especially if someone shares a similar passion for what’s imprinted on your shirt. More importantly, I believe the “What’s in Your T-shirt Drawer?” question and the answers people give show the power, longevity and ROI of promotional products, especially T-shirts. The next time you’re asked to come up with a good suggestion for a client’s event, remember this question and these stories. They could lead to your next big promo order!
One last thing: What’s in Your T-Shirt drawer? I’d love to know! Please join in the discussion below.

Rosalie Marcus, The Promo Biz Coach is a promotional products business expert, coach and speaker. Combining her skills and years of experience in promotional sales, she helps her clients sell more at higher profit margins and dramatically increase their incomes! Get a FREE special report: 10 Big Mistakes Promotional Professionals Make and How to Avoid Them and a FREE Skyrocket Your Sales audio download at www.promobizcoach.com. Reach her at [email protected] or 215-572-6766.

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